Stableford Competition @ Reichertshausen
Reichertshausen Holzhof 2, Reichertshausen, GermanyRegistration between 16 June, 06:30 and 16 July, 23:30
Registration between 16 June, 06:30 and 16 July, 23:30
**********Special Edition************** Registration between 16 June, 06:30 and 23 July, 23:30 Green Fee: up to 9 = 90€ 10 - 19 = 81 20 and more = 76€
Registration between 01 July, 06:30 and 28 July, 23:30
Registration between 01 July, 06:30 and 01 August, 23:30 We will be playing netto stroke play = all shots count. From the total number of shots the playing handicap will be deducted. The spot prizes will go to the best 3 of the medal players. Nevertheless, the round will be…
Registration between 01 July, 06:30 and 06 July, 23:30
Later start ==> 09:30 Registration between 16 July, 06:30 and 11 August, 23:30
Registration between 16 July, 06:30 and 15 August, 23:30
********* Special Edition ********* Registration between 16 July, 06:30 and 20 August, 23:30 Slots for tee time: First Last 14:00 14:30 Birdie Pool John Craig yes Stephan Klapdor yes Daniela Ptok yes Steve Wallace yes Adam Cockill x David Girdler…
Registration between 01 Aug, 06:30 and 25 Aug, 23:30
Registration between 01 August, 06:30 and 29 August, 23:30 Last chance to gain points for your team on the Founders’ Cup Tour
Registration between 01 Aug, 06:30 and 03 Sept, 23:30
Registration between 01 August, 06:30 and 09 Sept, 23:30