Established in 1993, the President’s Cup is a pairs event and is played over 27 holes, 18 in the morning and 9 in the afternoon.

The Format:

1st Nine. – Fourball Betterball. Both players play the hole separately. Card the lowest gross score of the pair.

2nd Nine. – Gruesome Greensome. In this format, the tee-shot of the HIGHER handicap player must be selected on AT LEAST FOUR HOLES. Selection takes place AFTER both players have teed off. But if, for example you choose the tee shot of the lowest handicap player on each of the 1st five holes, it means that you must choose the highest handicap players tee shot on all the remaining four holes. After the tee shot has been selected, alternate players play the ball until the hole is completed. Please indicate on the card with an “H” the holes where the higher handicap tee shot was chosen.

NB. If your putt finishes a couple of inches from the hole, be careful, don’t just tap in – that’s your partner job.

3rd Nine. – Chapman Foursome. Two players play as partners, each player teeing off and EACH PLAYER PLAYING HIS/HER PARTNER’S BALL FOR THE SECOND SHOT. Thereafter the partners select the ball they wish to score and play that ball alternately until the hole is completed.

Handicap Allowance. 60% of combined handicaps for the total 27holes. E.g. If player “A” has a handicap of 11 and player “B” a handicap of 12, the combined handicap will be 23 x 60% = 13.8 = 14 in total.

Remember. This is a STROKEPLAY event, so at least one ball per partnership must finish every hole.

Playing Alone. If, for any reason a player has no partner, you may play the event on your own as follows: All 27 holes are played as normal medal play. Handicap allowance in this case is 1½ x Playing Handicap.